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Pothos boyceanus
Indigofera cassioides
Loropetalum chinense
Impatiens agastyamalayensis
Senecio multiceps
Syzygium zeylanicum
Impatiens flaccida
Dendrophthoe falcata
Ixora javana
Wrightia antidysenterica
Guazuma ulmifolia
Antigonon leptopus
Syzygium aqueum
Sonerila devicolamensis
Anaphalis meeboldii
Senecio lavandulaefolius
Strombosia ceylanica
Gentiana quadrifaria var. zeylanica
Pergularia daemia
Oberonia santapaui
Cotoneaster buxifolia
Vernonia bourneana
Senecio scandens
Annona glabra
Asclepias physocarpa
Ixora notoniana
Combretum indicum
Ixora malabarica
Secamone emetica
Syzygium grande
Argyreia nervosa
Salacia chinensis
Syzygium stocksii
Cochlospermum religiosum
Strobilanthes wightiana
Ixora coccinea
Ipomoea pes-caprae
Sarcostemma brunonianum
Smithia blanda
Helichrysum buddleioides
Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa
Strobilanthes kunthiana
Marsdenia raziana
Gymnostachyum febrifugum
Exacum wightianum
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. nilagiricum
Vincetoxicum indicum
Syzygium claviflorum
Ixora brachiata
Strobilanthes zenkeriana
averhova carambola
Dendrobium barbatulum
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa
Syzygium cumini
Reinwardtia indica
impatiens phoenicea
Syzygium gardneri
Solanum laxum
Syzygium malaccense
Argyreia populifolia
Solanum pseudocapscicum
Camonea umbellata
Dendrobium nanum
Barleria prattensis
Osbeckia gracilis
Conchidium nanum
Casearia bourdillonii
Leea guineensis
Oberonia swaminathanii
Vallaris solanacea
Syzygium munroi
Ipomoea cairica
Elaeocarpus grandiflorus
Ceropegia spiralis
impatiens platydenya
Sophora velutina
Dolichandra unguis-cati
Cynanchum annularium
Syzygium densiflorum
Nymphoides hydrophylla
Ipomoea staphylina
Pterocarpus marsupium
Boucerosia umbellata
Aerides maculosa
Senna didymobotrya
Radermachera xylocarpa
Verbena tenera
Achetaria azurea
Hoya wightii
Holarrhena pubescens
Henckelia fischeri
Diospyros vera
Monoon fragrans
Syzygium sasidharanii
Mucuna bennettii
Oxystelma esculentum
Merremia heterophylla
Uvaria zeylanica
Spathoglottis plicata
Poranopsis paniculata
Solanum mamosum

Situated along the southwest corner of India, the state of Kerala is in the tropical belt. The varied topographical features coupled with high rainfall favoured the formation of different habitats such as the montane temperate forests (Shola) and grassland to the lowland mangroves along the estuaries and sea coasts. Each vegetation type has its own species composition. A remarkable feature of the state is the formation of tropical rain forests along the windward side of the Western Ghats, known for the rich biodiversity. Though the area forms only 1.18 percent of the country, nearly one fourth of the flowering plants recorded are reported to occur in Kerala.

Recent studies on the flora of Districts, Protected areas, Taxonomic revision of Families as well as Genera described many new taxa. Every year new species as well as new record of occurrences are recorded from Kerala. Though APG system is adopted in modern plant systematic studies, the Bentham and Hooker’s system is still followed in general floristic studies as well as for the arrangements of specimens in Indian Herbaria. The E-flora of Kerala is an attempt to provide updated account of the flowering plants of Kerala.

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