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E-Flora Kerala - Floristic studies

The complete flora of Kerala has not yet been published although floras of most of the districts have been studied during the last 5 decades mostly as Ph.D. programmes. The relevant publications on flora of Kerala after Gamble (1915-1935) are Introduction to Orchids (Abraham & Vatsala, 1981); Flora of Calicut (Manilal K.S. & V.V. Sivarajan, 1982); Flora of Cannanore (Ramachandran & Nair, 1988); Flora of Silent Valley (Manilal K.S., 1988); Flora of Palghat District (Vajravelu, 1990); Revision of the Indian Species of Oberonia (R. Ansari & M. Balakrishnan, 1990); Flora of Kerala: Grasses (Sreekumar P.V. & V.J. Nair, 1991); Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Study of South Indian Zingiberaceae (Sabu, 1991); Bladderworts of India (M.K. Janarthanan & A.N. Henry, 1992); Flora of Thiruvananthapuram (M. Mohanan & A.N. Henry, 1994); Flora of Thenmala Division (Subramaniyan K.N., 1995); Flowering Plants of Thrissur Forests (N. Sasidharan & V.V. Sivarajan, 1996); Malvaceae of Southern Peninsular India (V.V. Sivarajan & A.K. Pradeep, 1996); Flora of Nilambur (V.V. Sivarajan & Philip Mathew, 1996); Palms of Kerala (C. Renuka, 1999); Flora of Agasthyamala (N. Mohanan & M. Sivadasan, 2002); Biodiversity Documentation for Kerala, Part 6: Flowering Plants (N. Sasidharan, 2004); Flora of Pathanamthitta District (N. Anilkumar, M. Sivadasan & N. Ravi, 2005); Contributions to the Flora of Kerala: Family Acanthaceae (Remadevi S. & Binojkumr M.S., 2009); Flora of Kerala vol. 1 (Daniel P. (ed.) 2005); Flora of Alapuzha District (C.N.Sunil & M. Sivadasan, 2009); Flora of Kerala vol. 2 (G.V.S. Murty & V.J. Nair (ed.) 2016); Flora of Achankovil Forests (Jose Mathew & K.V. George, 2016); Aquatic and Wetland Flora of Kerala: Flowering Plants (R. Ansari et al., 2016). The other notable publications on the flora of Kerala are Flora of Shenduruny Wildlife Sanctuary (Sasidharan, 1997); Flora of Periyar Tiger Reserve (Sasidharan N.,1998); Epiphytic Flora of Western Ghats with Special Reference to Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (Mukteshkumar, 1998); Flora of Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary (Sasidharan N., 1999); Flora of Vellarimala on the Western Ghats of Kerala (Pradeep A.K., 2000); Flora of Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary (Sasidharan N., 2002); Flora of Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary (Sasidharan N., 2013) and Flowering Plants Diversity of Ernakulam District (Sunil C.N., 2016).

Floristic studies of the following places have been completed as Ph. D. Programme. Flora of Quilon District (Mohanan C.N., 1984); Flora of Kottayam District (Antony V.T., 1989); Flora of Malappuram District (excluding Nilambur Forest Division) (Babu A., 1990); Aquatic Angiosperms of Malabar (North Kerala) (Joseph K.T., 1991); Flora of Wayanad District (Ratheesh Narayanan, 2009). Riparian flora of the Chalakkudy river basin (Amitha Bachan, 2010); Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of the Riparian flora of the Pampa River, Kerala (Joby P., 2012); Floristic studies on the Coastal Wetlands of Southern Kerala (Shaju S., 2013); Phytosociology and Plant diversity of the Attappady Hills, Western Ghats (Anil Kumar K.A., 2015); Floristic and ecological studies on Madayippara Lateric plateau of Northern Kerala (Pramod C., 2016); Floristic studies of the Coastal region of Kerala State (Dhruvan Tandyekkal, 2018); Floristic documentation of endemic flowering plants of Southern Western Ghats in Kerala Region (Jagadeesan R, 2019). Apart from general floristic studies, revisionary studies of some families as well as genera were also been carried out as Ph D. Programme. Taxonomic and Ethnobotanical studies on the Asclepiadaceae (Swarupanandan, 1985); Taxonomic studies on the Orchids of Kerala (Sathish Kumar C., 1990); Taxonomy of Cyperaceae of Kerala (Rejani, 1991); Taxonomic and Morphological studies on the Family Convolvulaceae of Southern Peninsular India (Biju S.D., 1997): Taxonomic and Ethnobotanic Studies on the Angiospermic Epiphytes and Parasites of Kerala (Shanavas Khan A.E., 2002); Revision of Amorphophallus (Araceae) in India (Abdul Jaleel V, 2002); Taxonomic Studies on the Bamboos of South India (Unnikrishnan N, 2003); Morphologic and Taxonomic Studies on Fabaceae (Tribe - Crotalarieae) in South India (Sibichen M. Thomas, 2004); Morphologic and Taxonomic studies of the genus Leucas R. Br. (Lamiaceae) in Southern Peninsular India (Sunojkumar P., 2005); Taxonomic studies on South Indian Amaranthaceae (Anil Kumar, S, 2005); Euphorbiaceae of Kerala (Preetha, 2007); Taxonomic revision of the subtribe Dimeriinae Hack of Andropogoneae Panicoideae Poaceae in Peninsular India (Kiran Raj, 2008); Biosystematic Studies on the South Indian Cucurbitaceae (Suhra Beevi S., 2008); Systematics of the genus Thottea Rottb. (Aristolochiaceae) from Western Ghats (Shaiju P.N., 2008); Systematic and Ethobotanical Studies on the Rubiaceae of Kerala (Pramod Kumar N, 2009); Biosystematic Studies on the genus Zingiber Boehm. in south India (Vasantha V.A., 2009); Systematic studies of family Myrtaceae in the Kerala (Vinod Kumar T.G., 2010); Systematics and Ethnobotanical studies of the Families coming under the order Ranales (Roy Y.C., 2010); Taxonomic revision of the Genus Hedychium (Sanoj E, 2011); Taxonomic Studies of the family Dioscoreaceae in Western Ghats of Peninsular India (Elsamma Joseph, 2011); Taxonomic revision of the genus Commelina L. (Commelinaceae) in India (Sheba M Joseph, 2012); Molecular taxonomy of the genus Memecylon Linn. (Melastomataceae) in Peninsular India (Sivu A.R., 2012); Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Murdannia Royle (Commelinaceae) in India (Anna Ancy Antony, 2013); Taxonomic revision of Leguminosae of Kerala State (Krishna Raj, M.V., 2013); Revision of the family Lauraceae of South India (Robi A.J., 2014); Taxonomic studies on Gentianaceae Juss. in South India (Shahina P.M., 2014); Characterization and Species Relationships in the Genus Sesamum L. (Pedaliaceae) from Kerala (Akhila H., 2016); Taxonomic studies on the family Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss. in South India Supplemented with Molecular data (Janeesha A.P., 2017); Study on Systematics and Phylogenetic Relationships of Asian Leucas (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae) based on Molecular Methods (Vimal K.P., 2017); Taxonomic study on Arisaema Mart. (Araceae) in India (Manudev K.M., 2017); Biosystematic studies in the Genus Spilanthes Jacq. (Asteraceae: Heliantheae) in Kerala (Reshmi G.R., 2017); Flora of Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary (Dantas K.J., 2017); Taxonomic Analysis of the Genus Fimbristylis Vahl (Cyperaceae) in South India (Anoop K.P., 2018); Taxonomic Studies on Eragrostidinae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Eragrostideae) in Peninsular India (Thoiba Kottekkattu, 2018); Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Osbeckia L. (Melastomataceae) in India (Prashob P., 2018); Taxonomic Revision and Molecular phylogeny of the genus Plectranthus L’Hèr. (Lamiaceae) in India (Smitha K., 2018); Studies on the Palynology and Taxonomy of Indian Endemic taxa of Leguminosae found in Kerala State (Anoop P. Balan, 2018); Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Garcinia L., (Clusiaceae) of India (Shameer P.S., 2018); Systematic and Phytogeographic Evaluation of Grasses in Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (Remya J., 2018); Comparative Morphology, Anatomy and Molecular phylogeny of Ammannia L., Rotala L. and Nesaea Kunth (Lythraceae) in South India (Lemiya K.M., 2018); A Comprehensive Systematic Study of the Genus Jasminum L. from Kerala (Regy Yohannan, 2018); Systematics of the Genus Terminalia L. (Combretaceae) with Special emphasis on Terminalia travancorensis Wight & Arn. (Lakshmi M, 2018); Taxonomic Studies on the Genera Pogostemon Desf., Anisochilus Wall. ex Benth., and Scutellaria L. (Lamiaceae) of the Western Ghats of India (Shinoj K., 2019); Systematic Studies, Utilization and Conservation of the Genus Salacia (CELASTRACEAE) in South India (Muhammad Anaz K., 2019); Diversity and Ecology of Wetland Vascular Plants of Palakkad district, Kerala. (Sojan Jose, 2020); Vascular Plant Diversity of Riparian System along Thuthapuzha sub basin, Kerala India (Jisha K., 2020); Flowering Plant Diversity of Dhoni hills of Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India (Rekha Vasudevan, 2020); Angiosperm diversity of Mathikettan Shola National Park with Special Emphasis on Conservation of RET plants (Syam Radh S., 2021); Taxonomy and Reproductive Biology of Nymphoides spp. (Menyanthaceae) in Kerala (Pavisha P., 2021); Flora of Shallow Ponds in the Low Altitude Lateritic Plateaus of Kerala and Konkan Coast (Biju P., 2022); Studies on Angiosperm Diversity and Bio-Monitoring with Resource Mapping in Nelliyampathy Hills of Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India (Jabeena M.K., 2022); Systematics and Phylogeny of Dipterocarps in the Western Ghats, India (Sanil. M.S., 2022); Floristic and Ecological Studies on the Low Altitude Grasslands of the Coastal Region of the Western Ghats (Rashmi K, 2022); Taxonomic Revision, Micromorphology and Molecular Phylogeny of the genus Justicia L. (Acanthaceae) in Peninsular India (Soumya P., 2022); Taxonomic Revision of the Family Symplocaceae in India (Stephen J., 2022); Diversity of Gamopetalae in Idukki District, Kerala (Divya K. Venugopal, 2023; Studies on angiosperm flora and Bio monitoring of Walayar Hill Ranges of Southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India (Aswani V.J.,2023); Micromorphological and Molecular Taxonomy of Genus Parthenocissus Planchon in India (Nimmi C Dominigose, 2023); Flora of Idukki District, Kerala - Studies on Diversity of Polypetalous and Monochlamydeous Families (Vishnu Mohan, 2023; Floristic studies on Monocotyledons of Idukki district, Kerala (Dani Francis, 2023); Taxonomy, Molecular Phylogeny and Ecological Functions in Forest Dynamics of Ficus L. (Moraceae) in the Western Ghats (Sreehari S Nair, 2023); Taxonomic studies on Blumea DC. Laggera Sch-Bip. ex Benth. & Hook. f. and Pseudoconyza Cuatrec. Asteraceae in Peninsular India (Dilsha M.V., 2023).