The State of Kerala lies along the South-west corner of Peninsular India, between 8018’ and 12048’ N latitude and 74052’ and 77022’ E longitude. The state is bordered by the Lakshadweep Sea in the West, Tamil Nadu in the South and Karnataka in the North. The state of Kerala has an area of 38864 km2. Physiographically the terrain is highly diversified. The altitude varies from below sea level to 2695 m (Anamudi Peak) above mean sea level. Based on altitude, the land is divided into High Ranges (above 750 m asl; Highlands (between 75-750 m asl); Midland (between (7.5-75 m asl) and Lowlands below 7.5 m asl. The Highlands constitute about 43 per cent of the land area, followed by Midland 42 per cent; High Ranges 15 per cent and low land 10 per cent (Kerala State Land Use Board, 1997).